Meet the women in love with three very different brothers . . .
Izzy’s determined to escape her troubled past with a new start by the sea – but flirtatious Charlie Jones is causing complications.
Alicia’s been happily married to loyal Hugh for years but secretly craves excitement. Maybe it’s time to spice things up?
Emma’s relationship with David was once fun and romantic but trying for a baby has taken its toll. Then temptation comes along . . .
As the future of the family’s B&B becomes uncertain, Izzy, Alicia and Emma are thrown together unexpectedly. It seems that keeping up with the Joneses is harder than anyone thought . . .

Review: How did it take me so long to read this book? This just shows why we shouldn't judge books by their covers (or their titles!) because this book did not feature any nasty Mr Jones at all, it was a great read! I loved the structure of this book, each section about a different Mr Jones and the women involved with them, some romantically and some not so there was a great deal of variety throughout the book, something which kept me reading on and wanting to find out more.
I think Izzy was my favourite character to read about, I could really relate to her story and her situation and i found her storyline had the most going on in it, even if some of it was a little deep and serious sometimes-its true to life! I also really enjoyed here ending (not giving anything away obviously) but i enjoyed the journey that she went on over the course of the book!
I enjoyed the other sotyrlines in the novel and I thought that all of them were were realistic and true to life. I really felt for Emma and their issues with trying for a baby and though that Alicia really found herself over the course of this novel. The fact that the novel was structure in this way meant that it was fast paced and this was a very quick read for me, so quick in fact, this may be a novel which i re-read in the future!
In terms of setting, this novel was set across different English cities and the countryside and I enjoyed that variety of areas being described. This book had an epilogue, which I always love, and everybody got the ending that I was hoping for-always nice too! As I have already said, this novel is definitely worth a re-read because it was so entertaining, funny, heartwarming and just a genuinely good read! I would read anything else by Lucy Diamond again-she is definitely an auto-buy author for me!
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