Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over there at The Broke and the Bookish. I'd love to share my lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
I'm not even going to look at last years resolutions because I'm sure that these ones will be almost identical. I do like to make some bookish resolutions though so here goes...
1. Read more books than last year. Yes I've lowered my Goodreads target but I would like to read more than I did in 2015, who doesn't?
2. Read more paperbacks. I'm probably going to be moving in a few months so I should really get some of those paperbacks on my shelf read so that I've got less to take with me.
3. Get my Netgally % up. Another common one I'm sure. I've been reading lately but forgetting to post my reviews on there... I must get on that!
4. Read those books I really want to read. I've got a few oldies from some of my favourite authors that I haven't read yet but then new books come along and eat up all my reading time, oldies, I'm coming to get you!
5. Update my blog. I've been meaning to make a few changes to the blog and really haven't had time this year so I'd like to do it in 2016.
6. Start vlogging. I know I've probably said it before but I really want to get into vlogging and I'm determined to do it after I move!
7. Stop buying so many kids books. The children I teach have enough choice of some great books as it is, they don't need any more. Now children's books to give as gifts on the other hand...
8. Continue to say yes to bookish events, I've had so much fun at events this year, long may it continue.
9. Stop saying yes to every review book that comes my way. I've been a lot better at this recently and I'm going to keep getting better at it.
10. Continue to love reading and spreading the word of books! Oh yeah!
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