So this bout of books came at a particularly tricky time because it was SATs week at school and so I was seriously busy all day and seriously shattered at night time! However, I had the weekend to do some reading and even spent some time on public transport so the kindle came out and I was able to catch up a little bit then...
To begin with, I listened to All of Thirty Nothing by Lisa Jewell on audiobook which totals 436 pages. Look out for my review of this one soon, this has been on my TBR for ages and I really enjoyed it!
I also listened to 70% of Our Song by Dani Atkins to totalling 358 pages. I was hoping to get this one finished last night but unfortunately I ended up with some work things to do last minute and had a couple of phone calls too so I went to be with it unfinished, I'll fix that today though!
I also read 30% of Summer at Rose Island by Holly Martin totalling just under 100 pages. I had been hoping to read all of this one by the publication day on Friday but I was wasn't to be. I did have a comical moment on the tube with this though when I was into a really juicy moment, only realising at the last minute that the doors were about to close on my stop. Someone held the door for me thankfully, they were obviously someone who has been in that position themselves!
And finally I read the last 100 pages of Summer Nights at The Moonlight Hotel by Jane Costello. I was so pleased to finish this one because I'd been dying to get a chunk of time to read those final pages since I started it on a plane back in April. I didn't want to dip in an out and so the readathon afforded me the time to sit down and blast through those final moments. Gosh what a lot of twists and turns-watch out for my review of this one!
So in Total I read 994 pages. This is a lot lower than my usual readathon numbers, however this is a lot higher than my total of pages I have been reading per week in the last couple of months. I'm now counting down the weeks (10) until I can dedicate my summer to reading some books and listening to some audiobooks!
I can't wait for the next readathon as it has been ages since I made reading a priority in my life!
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