Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over there at The Broke and the Bookish. I'd love to share my lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Ok so...trying to come up with some fun facts you don't know about me or may not have noticed so far..
1. I am an assistant headteacher at a primary school and rather than being all about the books as you might imagine, I am in charge of maths!
2. I am getting married in November in las Vegas
3. I collect Starbucks. You will probably know this if you follow me on Twitter but each new branch of Stabucks I go into and buy something, I check in to. It doesn't count if I've aleady been there but if it is new to me it counts as a check in. I have to buy something unless I get to the front of the queue and they've run out of what i went in for or don't have any skimmed milk or drip coffee or something like that-there have to be rules to these things. I'm visitin Seattle in 2 weeks and so 2 weeks tomorrow i will visit the original Starbucks and that will be number 250 for me!
4. I am scared of Balloons and other things that make sudden loud noises (party poppers, hand driers, hoovers etc)
5. I don't follow any sport
6. I am an only child
7. I have a massive collection of shoes but i regularly clear them out by selling a load on ebay to make room (and money) for new ones
8. During my first year of GCSEs I wasn't very well and so I only went to school in the mornings, my attendance that year was below 50%
9. I don't like orange flavour anything EXCEPT mimosas
10. I really haven't read any classic novels apart from those I HAD to read for school
So there you go. I hope you learned something interesting and new about me that you didn't already know. Please link your own top ten facts below so i can learn a little more about you!
Happy Reading!
I don't follow any sports, either. Nice to see I'm not alone in this!
Oh my gosh, Las Vegas - that is so awesome, hope you have an amazing wedding! I am also terrified of scary noise - balloons terrify me because i'm more neervous about it popping than having fun with it.
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower :)
Here's my top ten :)
And here is my blogoversary giveaway as well! Help me celebrate six years!
Congratulations on your wedding! Wish you the best of luck! I always wonder what my life would be like if I went into teaching. I'm starting my Master's in Writing in the fall and would like to eventually turn that into a PhD. Who knows what I'll do then!!