Today I will fly to Vegas with my fiancee and both of our parents and then tomorrow at 11am pacific (7pm GMT) we will be getting married at the Chapel of The Flowers in Las Vegas where we will get married.
In case you missed it, I proposed on leap day this year, he said and yes and then we planned this wedding to co-incide with our first thanksgiving the states. This will also be our first visit to las Vegas and so we are doing it right with the wedding I feel!
If you would like to watch the wedding live, or be able to see it for up to two weeks afterwards, just go here!
I Hope you do watch and please do let me know on here, on twitter, on the website or on snapchat that you watched just so we know that you were there with us!
I will try and do a post in the next couple of weeks letting you know how it went and hopefully I should be able to link the video here too as we get a DVD copy included in our ceremony package! Of course I will also let you know what books I read on the way there and the way back!
oh my wow, what a way to do it! Congratulations so much to both of you and have the best best best time ever!!!