
Wednesday 12 June 2024

Guest Review: Island in the Sun by Katie Fforde

Dominica. A beautiful remote island where the sun shines and the living is easy.

And where Cass goes to photograph a rare stone carving as a favour to her father.

With her is Ranulph, a deeply attractive, much-travelled journalist, who offers to help Cass with her quest.

But Dominica has just been hit be a severe hurricane, and Cass and Ranulph are spending all of their time helping the local community.

Cass knows she must not fall in love with him… He is just looking out for her. He’s being kind.

There is no way he could be even the slightest bit interested in her. Could he?

Review: I have read, and loved, a number of Katie Fforde’s books and when I saw that her latest one had just been published, I automatically purchased a copy. The cover promised a trip to an exotic island location and romance for the woman pictured on a gorgeous beach. I quickly learned that this book in fact features two islands - a remote rocky one off the coast of Scotland and the Caribbean island of Dominica, which is the main location in the story. The latter is in an area with which I am not familiar, and I looked forward to my visit.

This story centres on Cass, who is at a crossroads in her life and unsure which direction to take, her decision influenced in part by her parents’ wishes and expectations. When her famous photographer father asks her if she will travel to Dominica to take a picture of a petroglyph, she jumps at the chance. It is hoped that a photograph of the petroglyph will help win a competition, the prize money from which can be put to good use on the island. She is to be accompanied on the journey by her father’s friend, Ranulph. Unfortunately, Dominica has just been hit by a hurricane, and things are rather chaotic when the pair arrive. Their time is spent being useful in any way they can in the clear-up operation. Attempts to find and record the petroglyph are hindered by conditions on the island, but also by a rival keen to win the competition himself. During the process, Cass reveals an artistic talent that she has kept hidden thinking her parents would not encourage her to follow this path. She also becomes increasingly infatuated with Ranulph, but is unsure how this older man feels about her.

Although I enjoyed this tale, I can’t say that this would be my favourite book from this author. It was not her usual cosy romance. I found it interesting to learn a bit about Dominica and the effects a hurricane could have on a community like this. I was conflicted by Cass; on one hand she seemed really immature, but then she stepped up and did some really brave things when she was needed. Ranulph was a likeable character, but he didn’t treat Cass very well at times. My favourite characters were the locals the pair met during their time on the island. While I think that fans of Katie Fforde will enjoy this story, I wouldn’t recommend it as typical of her work to those new to her books.

To order your copy nowm just click here!

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